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Alisa Turner - My Prayer For You

말씀과 CCM

by ccmsupply 2017. 9. 2. 12:51


워십 싱어송라이터라고 하는 Alisa Turner에 대해서는 아는 정보가 거의 없는데요, 실제 겪었던 큰 절망과 안타까운 상황을 극복하고 희망을 노래하는 마음을 이번 미니 앨범에 담은 듯 싶습니다.

Through tragedy, through loss, through sickness and losing it all, Alisa still sings ...

* 이 노래를 들으면서 요즘 저의 힘든 상황에 대해 돌아 보게 되는데요, 있지도 않았던 일을 자극적인 언어로 포장해서 헛소문을 퍼뜨리는 이들 속에 ... 큰 상처를 받고 있습니다. 무엇보다 주께 '기도'할 수 있는 마음을 얻기를~ ! 이 곳을 방문해 주시는 모든 지체들께 부탁의 말씀을 드려 봅니다.

For anyone who’s prayed a thousand prayers And still can’t find the answer anywhere Fighting off the lie that no one cares ; For anyone who’s out there losing hope Feeling you’re forsaken and alone ; Clinging to the last strands of your rope 

May God give you eyes to see He’s still greater Courage to rise and believe He’s able ; May God be your peace in the fire you’re walking through This is my prayer now, this is my prayer for you

For all of those with tired and weary souls But still have faith to ask for miracles Choosing to believe He’s in control

May your eyes be ever on the Lord, your helper May you find your refuge in the Lord, your shelter ; May you find Him closer than a brother all your days

All of your days

Alisa Turner (2017) ep

Michael Farren, Jessica Campbell

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  • My Prayer For You
  • Not Even Now
  • As It Is In Heaven
  • Lift My Eyes
  • More Than Gonna Make It
  • 앨범 소개

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