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The City Harmonic - Let There Be Light

말씀과 CCM

by ccmsupply 2019. 1. 6. 12:44


태초에 하나님이 천지를 창조하시니라 ; 땅이 혼돈하고 공허하며 흑암이 깊음 위에 있고 하나님의 영은 수면 위에 운행하시니라 ; 하나님이 이르시되 빛이 있으라 하시니 빛이 있었고 ; 빛이 하나님이 보시기에 좋았더라 하나님이 빛과 어둠을 나누사 ; 하나님이 빛을 낮이라 부르시고 어둠을 밤이라 부르시니라 저녁이 되고 아침이 되니 이는 첫째 날이니라. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ; Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. ; And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. ; God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. ; God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day. [창세기 Genesis  1:1~5]

The City Harmonic Elias Elton Dummer (vocals, keyboards, guitar 2009~2017) ; Eric Morgan Fusilier (bass, vocals 2009~2016) ; Aaron Christian Powell (guitar, vocals 2009~2017) ; Josh Alexander Vanderlaan (drums 2009~2017) 4인조 밴드로 2009년~2017년까지 활동을 했던 캐나다 밴드인데요, 대체로 서정적인 모던 워십 스타일의 좋은 곡들을 많이 발표했습니다.

Introducing the City Harmonic [EP] (2010) - I Have a Dream (It Feels Like Home) (2011) - Heart (2013) - We Are (2015) - Benediction (Live) (2017) 를 발표하며 GMA 캐나다가 시상하는 Covenant Awards에서는 2011년 [New Artist of the Year]을 시작으로 밴드가 공식적으로 발표한 끝 앨범으로 2018년 Praise & Worship 영역에서 앨범과 노래 부문을 수상하며 총 11개를 수상했습니다. GMA Dove Awards에서는 2012년 New Artist of the Year 후보에 오른 바 있습니다. 


From the chaos You composed A song that all creation knows You took a mess, and You made life You said, "Let there be light" Word of God, God from the start Recreating human hearts Make us like the moon at night A mirror of the light

With just a word set the dark to flight Sing to the world, "Let there be light!"

O Word of God, let there be light Cut through the dark Oh, Let there be light! Come risen Son in glory bright Come Word of God Oh, Let there be light

We're desperate for the break of dawn To be won by the risen Son Grace and justice, here collide To keep us through the night

With just a word set the dark to flight Sing to the world, "Let there be light!"

O Word of God, let there be light Cut through the dark Oh, Let there be light! Come risen Son in glory bright Come Word of God Oh, Let there be light

Sing now, sing into the dark Sing to lonely hearts Oh sing, "Let there be light." Sing out when we see the sun For our light has come And the dead have come alive

O Word of God, let there be light Cut through the dark Oh, Let there be light! Come risen Son in glory bright Come Word of God Oh, Let there be light ...

We Are (2015) ; Benediction (Live) (2017) 

Elias Dummer, Aaron Powell, Eric Fusilier, Joshua Vanderlaan


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