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Jasmine Murray - Fearless

말씀과 CCM

by ccmsupply 2017. 2. 23. 19:20


1991년 생, 미국 Mississippi주 출신으로 미인대회 입상과 지금은 폐지된 TV오디션 프로그램의 대명사 'American Idol' 시즌 8에서 TOP 13까지 올랐던 이력이 있습니다. 

I wake up

I feel it

Those fears are back again

Can't shake them

Can't make them

Ever fade

Ever end

Am I good enough

Do I measure up

Feels like a war I can't win

But I wasn't given the spirit of fear

I was given the power of love

Everything I've been fighting against

I'm gonna lift it up

I wanna be fearless

No holding back

No backing down


Because I believe You're with me now

Bring on the unknown

Lead me and I'll go

Come set me free

God, I want to be

Fearless (I want to be)

Fearless (I want to be)

'Fearless' (2017) Single

Jasmine Murray, Jeff Pardo,  Tony Wood

These mountains

These giants 

Will fall at a single word

In Your name

In Your strength

I'm more than a conqueror

I won't be afraid

I won't be afraid

I'll call on Your name

I'll walk out in faith

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